Gerald Fischer
Contact Info
Gerald Fischer
Obmann / Chairman

Gerry Fischer, Chairman of PH Austria – Initiative Lungenhochdruck. Er hat zudem 1999 den Lungenkinder Forschungsverein ins Leben gerufen
Gerry Fischer is chairman of PH Austria – Initiative Lungenhochdruck. He also set up the Lungenkinder Forschungsverein in 1999: I foundet the Lungenkinder Forschungsverein because my family and I are personally affected. Both associations are very close to my heart! The life-threatening disease pulmonary hypertension occurs very rarely, and the general economic interest in research into the desease and appropriate therapies and drugs is unfortunately very low. There are only a few specalist centers that deal with the disease in both, research and treatment – mainly there is a lack of financial resources. In addition, the population´s willingnes to donate is also very reserved. The aim is to make the rare disease better known, to create compassion and solidarity for those affected through information and to advance important research.