We urgently recommend that you claim an incapacity level of over 50% at the Federal Social Welfare Office as soon as you are diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension at NYHA Class III. As soon as you claim you will benefit from protection against dismissal that may be very important for your future. Please contact us and we will be happy to advise you.
Pulmonary hypertension is an incurable, chronic disease that entitles you to claim various welfare benefits.
To do this, you should clarify the following points:
- Was the diagnosis made in a specialist centre for pulmonary hypertension?
- Have the investigations necessary already been carried out? (e.g. chest x-ray, ECG, cardiac ultrasound, 6-minute walk test and right heart catheterisation)
- Am I already being given medicines to treat the pulmonary hypertension?
Click here for the Social welfare guide (only in german available)